Alas, in spite of having run 6 Games (4 full-length: Goonies, Wonka, Dragonhunt, RATRACE, plus 2 half Games: Overnightmare and Hell) over the last 15 years, Orange Snood somehow failed to make the cut for Ghost Patrol. Unfortunately, Orange Snood is not the only team in this predicament, for at least 6 other former GCs were also denied the opportunity to play. When a total of 6+ former Bay Area GCs (Monks, Red 5, Doh Boys, Advil Orange Crush, KnowNothings/Snood) are denied a bid, it can only be a huge demotivator for any team considering becoming a GC. This is a sad statement about the current state of the Bay Area Game Community. Oh well, now we can put that $700 entry fee (the highest in Bay Area Game history) to good use in planning our next event. Application Movie File Links:
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